Alaa Mufleh
Class of 2018
Alaa Faisal Mufleh is a Public Policy and Economic Development professional with over 10 years of experience in public diplomacy programs design and implementation, resource mobilization, civic engagement, qualitative research, and digital outreach and engagement in the Middle East and North America.
She currently serves as the Lead Advisor on Emerging Voices and P/CVE at the U.S. Embassy in Amman, where she serves as the lead observer and strategist on the U.S. Embassy's engagement and outreach with emerging voices audiences (EV), and activities on Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE). Prior to her current role, Alaa served as a Human Security Project Manager and Researcher at the West-Asia North-Africa (WANA) Institute, a Jordanian Policy Think Tank chaired by HRH Prince al-Hassan Bin Talal, where she managed the Strong Cities Network, the first-ever global network of mayors, policymakers, and practitioners united in building social cohesion and resilience to counter violent extremism in all its forms, as well as an Executive Director of the Jordan Entrepreneurship and Innovation Association.
Alaa holds an MA Degree in Arab Studies from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, as well as an Honors Graduate Certificate in International Business Diplomacy from Georgetown's Landegger Program in International Business Diplomacy.
She is interested in comparative political economy, innovation in terrorism, the economics of terrorism, P/CVE, economic development, entrepreneurship, behavioral psychology, and issues related to youth, peace, and security.