Get to know the people driving Kuwait-America Foundation’s
mission of building a more equitable world.
Board of Trustees
Dr. Hassan Al-Ebraheem
Chairman of Kuwait-America Foundation and
Chairman of Kuwait Society for the Advancement of Arab Children
Mr. Fawzi Al-Sultan
Vice Chair, Kuwait-America Foundation and Senior Partner, F&N Consultancy
Mr. Issam Mohammed Al-Bahar
Chairman, Mohammed Abdulrahman Al-Baher Company
Mr. Qutayba Al-Ghanim
Chairman of Alghanim Industries
Mr. Abdullatif Al-Hamad
Former General Manager/Chairman, Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
Mr. Mohammed Al-Naqqi
Chairman, Kuwait Industries Co.
Dr. Mohammed Al-Sabah
Former Prime Minister of Kuwait
Dr. Souad Al-Sabah
Kuwaiti economist, poet, and writer and
Founder Member of Arab Organization for Human Rights
Sheikh Ali AlKhalifa Al-Sabah
Former Oil Minister of Kuwait
Mr. Hamid Al-Sarraf
Mr. Ayad Althuwaini
Chairman, Ahmadiah Trading and Contracting
Mr. Saleh Al-Zouman
Former CEO, Fosterlane Management Corporation Management Corporation-USA
Mr. Daniel Q. Callister
Mr. Faisal Ali Mutawa
Chairman and CEO, Ali Abdulwahab Al Mutawa Company
Mr. Jassim Qabazard
Principal, Jassim Qabazard Engineering Consultants and Chairman, Gulf Inspection International
Dr. Adnan Shihab Elddine
Former Director General, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences
Washington D.C. Office
Basma Rayess, Executive Director
Shereen Abdel-Nabi, Director of Programs
Lisa Cone, Executive Outreach Liaison, Do the Write Thing
Mohammad Alaswadi, Program Manager
Derek Farino, Program Associate
Morooj Alwazir, Director of Digital Strategy
Amber Pulley, Program Director, Do the Write Thing